How to
Recycle more in Faversham
There are a number of waste items which Swale Council does not recycle but which can be recycled in Faversham.
Here's our list of recycling opportunities.
in Faversham
Empty blister packs - Lady Dane Vets on Graveny Road, Athelstan rd (railway side nr the bridge)
Soft plastic film & crisp packets - Tescos and Sainsburys
Batteries and water filters - Sainsburys
Glasses - Specsavers & Optima opticians
Ink cartridges - St Jude's, Tanner St & Sainsburys
Vapes - Tescos
Electronic devices for insulin - Paydens Chemists
Textile Rag - Hospices of Hope and Mothers of Invention
Our All In One Zerowaste TM Terracycle box at 12 Market Place (The Tourist Information Centre in the Faversham Town Council building) takes:
Art Supplies & Stationary
Baby Equipment
Beauty Products
Cleaning Accessories
Clothes Hangers
Coffee Bags & Capsules
Disposable PPE
NO: electronics, organics, food and liquid waste
(No: Aerosol and Pressurised Cans, Batteries, Biodegradable Plastics (i.e. PLA), Biomedical Waste & Sharps, Broken Glass, Electronic Products, Food Content & Liquid Waste, Hazardous waste, Light Bulbs Of Any Kind, Oil Based Paint & Pesticides, Organics, Paper Products, Plastic Cards, Wood & Bamboo)
Many thanks to the Rotary Club Faversham, who funded this box and previous dental equipment boxes.